1. Jerusalem, thou city fair and high,
would God I were in thee!
My longing heart fain, fain to thee would fly,
it will not stay with me;
far over vale and mountain,
far over field and plain,
it hastes to seek its Fountain
and quit this world of pain.
2. Oh happy day, and yet far happier hour,
when wilt thou come at last?
When fearless to my Father's love and power, whose promise standeth fast,
my soul I gladly render,
for surely will His hand
lead her with guidance tender
to heaven her fatherland.
3. A moment's space, and gently, wondrously, released from earthly ties,
the fiery car shall bear her up to thee
through all these lower skies,
to yonder shining regions,
while down to meet her come
the blessed angel legions,
and bid her welcome home.
4. Oh Zoin, hail! Bright city, now unfold
the gates of grace to me!
How many a time I long'd for thee of old,
ere yet I was set free
from yon dark life of sadness,
yon world of shadowy nought,
and God had given the gladness,
the heritage I sought.
2. What glorious throng and what resplendent host
comes sweeping swiftly down?
The chosen ones on earth who wrought the most, the Church's brightest crown,
our Lord hath sent to meet me,
as in the far-off years
their words oft came to greet me
in yonder land of tears.
3. The Patriarchs' and Prophets' noble train,
with all Christ's followers true,
who bore the cross, and could the worst disdain
that tyrants dared to do,
I see them shine for ever,
all-glorious as the sun,
'mid light that fadeth never,
their perfect freedom won.
4. And when within that lovely Paradise
at last I safely dwell,
from out my blissful soul what songs shall rise,
what joy my lips shall tell,
while holy saints are singing
Hosannas o'er and o'er,
pure Hallelujahs ringing
around me evermore.
5. Unnumbered choirs before the shining throne
their joyful anthems raise,
till Heaven's glad halls are echoing with the tone
of that great hymn of praise,
and all its host rejoices,
and all its blessed throng
unite their myriad voices
in one eternal song!
1. Jerusalem, du högtbelägna stad,
till dej min längtan står!
Till dej min tanke ilar fri och glad,
till dej min ande trår!
Från jordens djupa dalar,
där dunkel döljer dej,
till dina ljusa salar
mitt hjärta lyfter sej.
2. Säg, vilka är väl de som strålar där
i klädnad vit som snö?
Det är de trogna som Guds helgon är
och fått i Herren dö.
Bland dem mej Herren skänker
ett rum i helig frid,
där ingen mera tänker
på sina tårars tid.
3. Profeter och apostlar ser jag där,
martyrer utan tal,
som Kristi kors i trohet burit här
i glädje och i kval.
De avstod egen vinning,
nu står de utan men
med strålar kring sin tinning
i Herrens klarhets sken.
4. Får jag en gång, av Herrens nåd upphöjd,
gå in i paradis,
mitt sinne fylls av salighet och fröjd,
min mun med lov och pris!
Halleluja min tunga
bär fram i helighet,
får Hosianna sjunga
en salig evighet.
5. Av jubelklang, av sköna instrument
och körer utan tal,
ja, av musik som ingen här har känt
vibrerar glädjens sal,
av stämmor i miljoner
där ingen stumnar mer,
av evigt nya toner
då Herren själv vi ser.